
“Periodical Report; The Full Instrument”
A series of thirty-three jugs based on stories and existential descriptions of the personal and universal human experience and shared archetypes.
I started this series during a time in my life when my living situation didn’t provide me with any room to spread a canvas and paint. I decided to create something that, for me, symbolized home. I created the jugs to contain my stories and to act as my canvas. I chose to create thirty-three since that is how old I was at the time I started the series.
According to anthroposophy, the age of thirty-three is characterized mainly by personal development. It is from this age that the body starts a weathering-down process, and we’re asked whether our spirit will join the body’s direction of degeneration and sink, or will it rise and renew itself in the world.
The series revolves around this question and is a journal of experiences, memories and interpretations of both painful and pleasant emotions. All of the paintings are based on sketches from the many sketchbooks I’ve had throughout the years.